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Dipinggir Kruëng Sampojnit
Lembu Raga Or. 9758
Rawi Sandi, Tengahan Or. 9669
Malat Rasmi Or. 13.737
Wangbang Turida Or. 13.540
Malat Rasmi Or. 13.790
Malat Kung Or. 13.530
Widari Smara Or. 13.792
Ḥall ar-Rumūz wa-Mafātīḥ al-Kunūz Or. 1840
Babad Sangkala Ning Momana - D Or. 257
Babad Dipanagaran D H 589 a
[Collective volume with texts in Arabic, Javanese : A mystical, parenetical work ; and other texts] - Or. 1842
Or. 1928
Kuda Narawangsa Or. 1816
[Romanized copy of ms. Or. 4175, being Dangdang Ireng] Or. 10.482
Incomplete copy of Panji romance in verse, episode of Gunung Sari’s marriage with Ragil Kuning, the war against the Queen of Nusa Tembini (Tawar) Gantungan) Or. 3172
[Collected volume with texts in Javanese and Balinese (1-11) : Ramayana, Old Javanese kakawin ; and other texts] Or. 3871
Collective volume of Javanese texts : Jaka Nastapa ; Panji Ngron Akung ; and other texts Or. 2138
[Collective volume with texts in Javanese and Balinese : Ajar Pikatan ; and other texts] Or. 4010
Candakirana BCB 80
