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(1 - 20 of 1,283)


Composite manuscript, six parts (Latin, French): 1. (ff. 7r-27v) Institutiones / Justinian. - 2-3. (ff. 28r-131v) Institutiones / Justinian. - And other part(s), BPL 75
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1-100) Commentary on Cicero's De Inventione / Marius Victorinus. - 2. (ff. 101-193) Collectanea rerum memorabilium / Solinus, BPL 67 C
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin, Dutch): 1. (ff. 1v-100v) Expositio in Cantica Canticorum / Williram of Ebersberg, and other text(s). - 2. (ff. 101r-214v) Stromata in Cantica Canticorum / Angelomus of Luxeuil, and other text(s), BPL 130
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1-10) Vita Terentii / Francesco Petrarca. - 2. (ff. 11-155) Comoediae / Terence, BPL 191 BF
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1r-138r) Historiae adversus paganos / Paulus Orosius, and other text(s). - 2. (ff. 145r-192v) Commentary on Daniel / Jerome, BPL 110
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1r-65v) Old Testament: 1 Maccabees, and other text(s). - 2. (ff. 150-211) Index and vocabulary on Vegetius' Epitoma rei militaris, and other text(s), PER F 17
De bello Judaico / Flavius Josephus, BPL 21
1 (f. 1-24): Stephani <V> Papae Epistula ad Basilium Imp. contra Marinum Papam. - [etc.] VMI 12
Composite manuscript, four parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1-36) Phaedo / Plato, and other text(s). - 2. (ff. 37-124) Timaeus / Plato. - And other part(s), BPL 64
1 (f. 1-4): Inscriptiones latinae Neapoli repertae. - 2 (f. 5-14): Index librorum nondum editorum a Scipione Tettio Neapolitano confectus. - 3 (f. 15-17): Catalogus bibliothecae nescio cuius SCA 58 B
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1-70) Sententiae / Isidore of Seville. - 2. (ff. 71-114) Sententiae / Isidore of Seville, and other text(s), BPL 169
Composite manuscript, five parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1-8) Epistola de luna Paschali / John of Constance. - 2. (ff. 9-34) Liber paenitentialis / Fulbert of Chartres. - And other part(s), BPL 189
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 2-33) Summula de Summa Raymundi de Pennaforti / Adam of Aldersbach, and other text(s). - 2. (ff. 34-47) Carmen de mysteriis ecclesiae / John of Garland, BPL 182
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 2-48) De fide ad Petrum / Fulgence of Ruspe, and other text(s). - 2. (ff. 49-74) Excerpts from Isidore of Seville, and other text(s), PER Q 17
1 (f. 2-9): Catalogi Bibliothecae Bellofontanensis fragmentum. - 2 (f. 10-23): Michaelis [etc.] VGF 67
Ab urbe condita (Books I-X) / Livy, BPL 6 A
Ab urbe condita / Livy, GRO 1
Accuratissima Brasiliae tabula
Achilleis / Statius, and other text(s), BPL 136 K
Ad conclvsiones dispvtationis octavæ en decimæ de mvtvo
