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  • (-) = sun
  • (-) ≠ Koes Endang, Hetty
  • (-) ≠ Achmadi


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(1 - 20 of 168)


Wawacan Sulanjana, a poetical text on Sundanese mythology - Or. 7612
[Collective volume with mostly Sufi texts in Malay, Arabic (and some Sundanese, inside the bindings) Qur’an, surat al-Fatiha ; and other texts] Or. 1332
[Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Sundanese and Dutch] Or. 11.014
History of the Sundanese, called Carita Sunda, or Kitab Sunda Or. 3359
Notes on charms (jimat), medicines, magic etc. and on mysticism - Or. 7449
[Collective volume with texts in Arabic, and Javanese?, Sundanese : Bayan al-Alif ; and other texts] - Or. 7722
Hirz al-Yamānī, Or. 8781
Suluk Panji Brataningrat Or. 7836
Wawacan Panji Asmara Ningrat
Or. 7705
De Soendaneesche taalcursus
Bentang Atjeh
Pop Sunda
Undang2 Dasar '45
Jauh dimata
Sasaha tangtu ngarasa
Matjan utjul
Hits Rinto Harahap versi Sunda
