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(121 - 140 of 971)


Album seni budaya Aceh
Cut Meutia
The governor's predecessors
The rope of God
The republican revolt
The great mosque of Banda Aceh
Modernization and bureaucratization in developing the village
Manpower assignment
M hh 8941 N
Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts in the library of the University of Leiden and other collections in the Netherlands S 2222 21: Intr \ c
Java revisited
Innovatie en respons
The socio-economic foundations of the late colonial state in Indonesia, 1880-1930
Papers of the Dutch-Indonesian Historical Conference, held at Lage Vuursche, the Netherlands, 23-27 june 1980
Muslim peoples
A glimpse of the family planning profile in the special region of Aceh
Makalah-makalah yang disampaikan dalam rangka kunjungan Menteri Agama R.I.H. Munawir Sjadzali, M.A. ke negeri Belanda, (31 Oktober-7 November 1988)
Steriotip etnik, asimilasi, integrasi sosial
Hutan hujan tropika di Timur Jauh
