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Kāfiyah Dhawī al-Adab fī ʿIlm Kalām al-ʿArab Or. 7196
Taḥrīr Tanqīḥ al-Lubāb Or. 7198
[Jumlah min Taṣrīf al-Afʿāl. Anonymous grammatical tract much used in Indonesia] Or. 7200
Manẓūmah fil-Tawḥīd, the poetical compilation Or. 7202
[Collection of prayers, Duʿāʾ in Arabic, with Qur'anic quotations, apparently all for reciting, and the Arabic texts interspersed with Javanese explanations and texts]. Or. 7203
Injāz al-Waʿd fī Iṭtāʿ al-Raʿd Or. 7205
Qaṭr al-Nada̓ wa-Ball al-Ṣaḍa̓ Or. 7206
Kitāb al-Shamā'il Or. 7207
al- Alfiyah Or. 7213
[A copy in which another short tract of the same kind and some abstracts follow the paradigmes of the Arabic verb. ...] Or. 7214
al- Alfiyah Or. 7589a
[Notes on Muslim prayers, Duʿāʾ; in Arabic
[Qurʾān, part of the text, sūra 2:1-11] Or. 7589e
[Six flags from Western Java : Copies on paper of the Arabic inscriptions on four of the flags; ...] Or. 7605
[A booklet on Dhikr, possibly Turunan, as the word turun is written several times in the margin] Or. 7611
Rātib Rifāʿī Or. 7613
Rātib Rifāʿī Or. 7614
Rātib Rifāʿī Or. 7616
Dhikr Rifāʿī :a copy entiteld Kitāb Pangdikiran Or. 7617
Dhikr Rifāʿī; the Javanese title Kitāb pangdikiran. Or. 7618
