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(1 - 20 of 87)


Carmina / Horace, and other text(s), BPL 1763
De gestis abbatum de Egmonda / Johannes a Leydis, BPL 1818
Ab excessu divi Marci (Greek) / Herodian, GRO 88
Epitoma de Tito Livio / Lucius Annaeus Florus, GRO 107
Historiae adversus paganos / Paulus Orosius, BET 1
De urbis Constantinopoleos jactura captivitateque / Leonardus of Chios, and other text(s), BPL 2010
Cosmographia / Aethicus Ister, and other text(s), BUR F 16
Sinte Jheronymus sterfboeck, and other text(s), LTK 351
Fragment (Dutch): Spiegel historiael (part 4) / Jacob van Maerlant, BPL 911
Fragment (Dutch): Spiegel historiael / Jacob van Maerlant, LTK 176
Fragment (Dutch): Spiegel historiael / Philip Utenbroeke van Damme, LTK 177
Fragment (Dutch): Rijmkroniek / Melis Stoke, LTK 183
Facta et dicta memorabilia / Valerius Maximus, and other text(s), BPL 106
Chronicon (part I) / Freculf of Lisieux, BPL 160
Breviarium historiae Romanae / Flavius Eutropius, Paul the Deacon, and other text(s), BPL 188
Composite manuscript, four parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1r-42v) De catechizandis rudibus / Augustine of Hippo. - 2. (ff. 43v-135v) Instructio pie vivendi et superna meditandi, and other text(s). - And other part(s), BPL 191 B
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1-42 and 55-63) Catilina / Sallust, and other text(s). - 2. (ff. 43-54) Jugurtha / Sallust, BPL 193
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1. (ff.1-129) Historiae adversus paganos / Paulus Orosius. - 2. (ff. 130-297) Historia ecclesiastica tripartita / Cassiodorus and Epiphanius Scholasticus, BPL 127 C
Epitome exactis regibus, BPL 162
De excidio Trojae / Pseudo-Dares Phrygius, and other text(s), BPL 133 B
