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(1 - 20 of 5,915)


[Collective volume with texts in Arabic and Persian, with some Turkish (1-2) : Shams al-Ma`arif wa-Lata’if al-`Awarif : and other texts] - Or. 666
VUL 88
Or. 3027
LTK 230
Ḏawb aḏ-Ḏahab fī Maḥāsin man Śahadtu bi-ʿAṣrī min Ahl al-Adab - Or. 2379
Herbarium. (latine, germanice), VGG Q 8
Ars notoria / Pseudo-Solomon, and other text(s), VUL 45
Brieven van Willem Henricus Vorstius ( -1652) aan Daniël Johannis Snecanus (ca1580-1655), SEM 110
Kitab Khalq al-Nabi salla Allah 'alayhi wa-sallam, Or. 437
More ha-nevukhim [Perush ha-millot ha-zarot], Or. 4723 (Scal. 6)
Composite manuscript, two parts (French): 1. (ff. 1-35) Consolation de philosophie / Boethius, and other text(s). - 2. (ff. 36-92) Le livre de bonnes mœurs / Jacques Legrand, LTK 575
Qaṣīda al-ʿAiniyya - Or. 2938
ʿUyūn al-Ḥaqā’iq wa-Īḍāḥ aṭ-Ṭarā’iq - Or. 6877
Collective volume with texts in Arabic (1-6) : Risala fil-Barkar al-Tamm wa-Kayfiyyat al-Takhtit bihi ; and other texts - Or. 556
Brieven van Otto Höfler (1901-1987) aan Jan Pieter Marie Laurens de Vries (1890-1964) - BPL 3207
[Collective volume with texts in Persian (1-4) : Book of mystical contents (beginning) ; and other texts] - Or. 600.
[Letter dated 14 Ḏū'l-Qaʿda (12)25 from the Imām of the Wahhābīs Saʿūd b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz to Sulaymān Pāśā, wālī of Syria to refute his objections to the Wahhabite doctrine] - Or. 6248
Kalīla wa-Dimna - Or. 1544
Kalīla wa-Dimna - Or. 1590
Rawḍat al-Fuhūm fī Naẓm Nuqāyat al-ʿUlūm - Or. 2900
