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(1 - 20 of 99)


Historia monachorum in Aegypto / Rufinus of Aquileia, and other text(s), BPL 2440
Fragment (Latin): Georgica / Virgil, BPL 1586
Fragment (Latin): Sermones de diebus festis, BPL 1764
De officiis / Cicero, GRO 36
Commentary on Cicero's Somnium Scipionis (Latin) / Macrobius, GRO 78
Thebais / Statius, GRO 79
Satyrae / Juvenal, GRO 80
Commentary on Statius' Achilleis (Latin), and other text(s), GRO 143
Fragment (Latin): Aeneis / Virgil, BPL 1048
De bello civili / Lucan, BUR Q 2
Fragment (Latin): Institutiones grammaticae / Priscian, BPL 1394
Etymologiae / Isidore of Seville, and other text(s), VUL 1
Anticlaudianus / Alain de Lille, BPL 134 A
De synodis seu de fide orientalium / Hilary of Poitiers, and other text(s), BPL 108
De tabernaculo et vasis eius et vestibus sacerdotum / Bede the Venerable, BPL 112
Institutiones grammaticae / Priscian, and other text(s), BPL 117
Carmina / Claudian, BPL 131
Declamationes XIX maiores / Pseudo-Quintilian, BPL 132
Fragment (Latin): Sententiae (book 1) / Isidore of Seville, BPL 892
Chronicon (part I) / Freculf of Lisieux, BPL 160
