Leiden University Libraries Digital Collections

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  • (-) ≠ India-Pakistan, Delhi Sultanate, Mughals, 1526-1858 AD
  • (-) ≠ 20th century
  • (-) ≠ ubl007
  • (-) ≠ India, Sunga Period, 2nd-1st century BC
  • (-) = Zapotec



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Search results

(1 - 16 of 16)
Liberation of Saint Peter: an angel leads Saint Peter from prison past two sleeping guards
Allegory of côtemplation and reflection; draped woman looking into a mirror held by the Graces
Justice giving the laws to the people
Allegory of Abundance, with at the centre a reclining woman, at right a woman carrying a child, at left a satyr drinking from a bowl held by an infant satyr
The slaying of the Niobids by Apollo and Diana
Fortuna is stopped
Priest making a sacrifice before Justice
Apollo and his Lyre, surrounded by Pegasus and the Muses
Jupiter and Phaeton
Architects and painters designing a building while the building is being constructed
Allegory on peace between France and England
Calais and Zetes driving the Harpies away from King Phineus
Hercules seated on a rock, and making rhetorical gestures to the people below
Mercury, Thetis, Juno, Olympian Gods and Tritons
Diana in a carriage galloping across the skies, guided by the infant Mercury and by female figures holding bow and arrows
Apollo standing in a horse-drawn carriage galloping across the skies, led by a winged figure carrying flowers