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  • (-) ≠ UBL Library Catalogues
  • (-) ≠ 16th century
  • (-) ≠ Delhi
  • (-) = Bugisan



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Search results

(41 - 60 of 263)


[View from the interior of the northern gateway of the main temple of the Sewu complex] OD-20864
[View from the east, of the west wall of the southern cella of the main temple of Sewu] OD-20603
[Temple no. 1, from the second row of subsidiary temples] OD-8292
[Gateway ornament of one of the eastern subsidiary temples of candi Sewu] OD-13904
[View from the southwest of subsidiary temple no. 16 during reconstruction] OD-17999
[Inscription in Sanskrit on the basement of a subsidiary temple] OD-14698
[Subsidiary temple no. 15, first row] OD-8276
[Trial reconstruction of the upper part of the northern gateway from the main temple of the Sewu complex] OD-20856
[Temple no. 18 from the first row of subsidiary temples] OD-8284
[Trial reconstruction of part of the basement of subsidiary temple no. I/6 with a Nagari inscription] OD-18965
[Candi Asu seen from the south] OD-7359
[Trial reconstruction of part of a wall with a kala-head from the main temple of the Sewu complex] OD-20858
[Subsidiary temple no. 3 from the first row] OD-8266
[Detail of temple no. 3, from the second row of subsidiary temples] OD-8293
[Trial reconstruction of a kala-head from the eastern gateway of the Sewu complex] OD-20862
[View from the north of the gallery near the southern gateway of the main temple Sewu] OD-20635
[View of an empty niche in the wall of the northern cella of the southern main temple of Plaosan Lor] OD-20946
[Wallpaper ornament at the east side of candi Asu] OD-7363
[Temple no. 24, from the first row of subsidiary temples] OD-8303
[Temple no. 42, from the second row of subsidiary temples] OD-8300
