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(1 - 24 of 206)


LTK 249
Reizen (Low German) / John Mandeville, BPL 1983
Praeceptorium / Heinrich von Friemar, BPL 2433
Historia monachorum in Aegypto / Rufinus of Aquileia, and other text(s), BPL 2440
Sermones de Tempore et de Sanctis / Jacobus de Voragine, BPL 1326
Fragment (Latin): Georgica / Virgil, BPL 1586
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1-151) Epitome of Peter Lombard's Sententiae. - 2. (ff. 152-159) Prayers for the Quadragesima Sundays, BPL 1762
De officiis / Cicero, GRO 36
Commentary on Statius' Achilleis (Latin), and other text(s), GRO 143
Fragment (Latin): Aeneis / Virgil, BPL 1048
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1-266) De poenitentia / Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl, and other text(s). - 2. (ff. 267-292) Conflictus cum Judaeis / Otto de Chremsa, BPL 1268
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1 (ff. 1-3) Dialogus miraculorum / Caesarius of Heisterbach. - 2 (ff. 4-172) Summa de penitentia / Burchard of Strasbourg, ABL 19
De urbis Constantinopoleos jactura captivitateque / Leonardus of Chios, and other text(s), BPL 2010
Fragment (Latin): Missal, BPL 1328
Brief van Georg. Calixtus aan Matthias van Overbeke (1584-1638) PAP 2
Exempla from Der Vaderboec (German), LTK 355
24 goldenen Harfen / Johannes Nider, LTK 539
Brief van Franz Reuleaux aan Johannes Diederich Eduard Schmeltz (1839-1909) - BPL 2404
COLLBN Port 168 N 157
Kurtzer Begriff in eyl gefasst, was gstalt vñ maynung der allerdurchleüchtigist grossmechtigist Fürst vnd herr herr Maximilian Römischer Künig, zü allenzeiten merer des Reichs ... vnnser aller genedigister herr, die zeit jrer Maies... - THYSPF 2
Breviary (Latin) , LTK 309
Brief van Jo. Metellus Sequanus aan Pieter Ximenès (1514-1595) - VUL 105: 2
Brief aan prof. C.L. Blume - D H 605
f.1-72 M. Balcorinus, Summa alchimiae (germanice). - f.73 Brando Zetlitz, Glossarium [etc.] - VCF 4
