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  • (-) ≠ Rā ga a sya (1613-1678
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(1 - 12 of 12)
Commentary on Cicero's Somnium Scipionis (Latin) / Macrobius, GRO 78
Itinerarium / John Mandeville, VUL 96
De tabernaculo et vasis eius et vestibus sacerdotum / Bede the Venerable, BPL 112
Institutiones grammaticae / Priscian, BPL 104
Fragment (Latin, Breton/Cornish): Medical recipes, VLF 96 A
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1-44) Bucolica / Virgil, and other text(s). - 2. (ff. 45-181) Aeneis / Virgil, BPL 92 A
Collectanea rerum memorabilium / Solinus, and other text(s), BPL 68
Composite manuscript, two parts (Latin): 1. (ff. 1-98) Variae / Cassiodorus. - 2. (ff. 99-156) Collectanea rerum memorabilium / Solinus, BPL 124
Report of the select committee appointed to take into consideration the export trade from Great-Britain to the East-Indies, upon the subject of any claims that may arise on the part of Ireland to a participation in the... PORTEF 258: 36
Fragment (Latin): Summa Decreti Gratiani, BPL 3179
Chronicles (French) / Nicholas Trevet, VGG F 6
Institutiones grammaticae / Priscian, BPL 114 B