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  • (-) ≠ 1750-1800
  • (-) ≠ Egypt
  • (-) ≠ Archaeology East Asia - Texts (JLL
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(181 - 200 of 5,946)


General Code of Law of the Ottoman Empire - Or. 327: 2
Fragment of the Ḳānūn-nāme-i cedīd-i pādişāhī - Or. 327: 3
Statute Book of Silistria - Or. 327: 4
Tevārīḫ-i Sulṭān Selīm Ḫān - Or. 333
collection of Turkish proverbs - Or. 383
Translation of a part of the Old Testament - Or. 386
Translation of a part of the Old Testament - Or. 390a
Translation of a part of the Old Testament - Or. 390b
Translation of the Apocrypha - Or. 390c
Translation of a part of the New Testament - Or. 390d
Translation of a part of the book of Isaiah - Or. 390e
Translation of a part of the Old Testament - Or. 391a
Translation of a part of the Old Testament - Or. 391b
Translation of a part of the Old Testament - Or. 391c
Translation of a part of the New Testament - Or. 391d
Hidāya - Or. 407b
Manẓūma an-Nasafīya fī l-khilāfīyāt - Or. 412: 1
Arabic-Turkish glossary with words taken from fīqh texts - Or. 412: 2
Tevārīḫ-i Āl-i Selçuḳ - Or. 419
Tuḥfet el-esrār fī r-redd ‘alā n-naṣārā min farḳı l-küffār - Or. 432
