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  • (-) ≠ Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Indonesia
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  • (-) = Yemeni Arabic Manuscripts


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(101 - 120 of 159)


al-Baḥr az-Zakhkhār al-Ǵāmiʿ li-Maḏāhib ʿUlamā' al-Amṣār - Books II-IV Or. 6366
Dīwān of ʿAbd ar-Raḥīm al-Muhāǵirī Or. 6367
al-AZHĀR FĪ FIQH al-A'IMMA al-AṬHĀR Or. 6368
[Collective volume with texts in Arabic (1-5) : Turuq ; and other texts] Or. 23.980
Muwassil al-Tullab ila Qawa`id al-`rab Or. 25.175
Bab al-Da`wa Or. 25.176
[A work on Islamic prayer (du`a’)] Or. 25.177
Hashiyat al-Sayyid Or. 25.664
[Guz' 4 of the Qur'an] Or. 25.739
[Guz' 3 of the Qur'an] Or. 25.740
as-Sā'iq aś-Śā'iq ilā'ś-Śarāb al-Fā'iq ar-Rā'iq - incomplete copy Or. 2696
Some Yemenite poems Or. 2722
Five poems by Yemenite authors of the 11-17th c Or. 2736
al-Mūǵiz al-Qānūn fī'ṭ-Ṭibb - commentary Or. 2793
al-Muntazaʿ al-Mukhtār min al-Ġaiṯ al-Midrār Or. 6326
Ma'āṯir al-Abrār fī Tafṣīl Muǵmilāt Ǵawāhir al-Akhbār Or. 6327
[Incomplete copy of ʿAwārif al-Maʿārif] Or. 6328
[Collective volume with texts in Arabic (1-5) : Anoymous abridgement of the commentary on his own Mulhat al-I`rab ; and other texts] Or. 6329
Tuḥfat aṭ-Ṭullāb bi-Śarḥ Taḥrīr Tanqīḥ al-Lubāb – commentary Or. 6331
[Collective volume with texts in Arabic (1-13) : Safwat al-Zubad fima `alayhi al-Mu`tamad ; and other texts] Or. 6333
