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Mouvement général du pèlerinage du Hédjaz par les ports de la Mer Rouge, année de l'Hégire - 1892 C 2-21
Brieven van Andreas David Mordtmann (1811-1879) aan Michael Johan de Goeje (1836-1909) - BPL 2389
Defter-i meskūkāt-ı ʿOs̱mānīye ez-ibtidā-yı ẓuhūr-ı devlet-i ʿālīye tā-be-eyyām-ı Sulṭān ʿAbdülʿazīz H̱an Pādişāh-ı zamān 894 A 16
1 (f. 1-7): Gregorius Nyssenus de iis qui adeunt Hierosolyma. - Basilii Magni Epistola [etc.] VUL 64
Or. 1278
Composite manuscript (Greek): 1. (ff. 1-2, 52-152) Tabulas manuales / Ptolemy, and other text(s). - 2. (ff. 3-51) Commentarius brevior / Theon of Alexandria, and other text(s) - And other part(s), BPG 78
Koran with interlinear Turkish translation Or. 504
Or. 26.771
Or. 801