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Beschrijving van krissen naar een Javaansch handschrift van Raden Behi Nata Koesoema, MICROFILM MM14C-105035:8 - RP-139
Hoofdstuk Arabische grammatica - D Or. 555
[Collective volume with texts in Javanese, Sundanese and Dutch] Or. 11.014
Verhandeling over het maken van krissen - D Or. 394
Babad Sangkala Ning Momana - D Or. 257
History of Java by pangeran Dipa Nagara, in verse - Or. 6547
Incomplete copy of an Esther scroll - Or. 14.386
History of the Sundanese, called Carita Sunda, or Kitab Sunda Or. 3359
Sendang Duwur Or. 26.327
[Convolute volume with texts on mystical theology (1-19) : ff. 1-33: A mukhtasar of Bidayat al-Hidaya ; and other texts] - Or. 5690
[Collective volume with texts in Javanese, and some Malay, Arabic script (pegon) : Notes, treatise on Muhammadan theology and mysticism ; and other texts] - Or. 1911
Cantri - Or. 4579
Simpang Charter - Or. 2026
[Composite volume with texts in Arabic and Javanese : 1) pp. 1-19: A fragment of a juridical commentary in Arabic. the matn ; and other texts] - Or. 5594
[Collective volume with texts in Javanese : ff. 1-13a Dewa Sasana ; and other texts] - Or. 5056
Ilmu bedil - Or. 5257
[Collective volume with texts in Malay and Javanese : Several shorter pieces, also a divinatory square, and the drawing of the seal of a Sultan, Abu al-Nasr Muhammad `Arif Zayn al-`Ashiqin ; and other texts] - Or. 1978
[Collective volume with texts in Arabic, and Javanese?, Sundanese : Bayan al-Alif ; and other texts] - Or. 7722
Travels of Surya Wijaya of Surakarta, a clerk of Dr A.B. Cohen Stuart (1825-1876), to Semarang and Batavia, in verse, dated 1869 - Or. 3168
Rawi Sandi, Tengahan Or. 9669
