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Search results

(496,401 - 496,420 of 496,420)


[Ramayana relief no. 6b from candi Siwa. Kaikeyi wants her son Bharata to become king instead of Rama] OD-3475
[No title] Kern GD 10 906
[Statue of Buddha Aksobhya] OD-9092
[No title] Kern GD 10 782
[Wayang puppet Calon Arang] OD-3802
[Side view of a statue found during excavation near Pare in a subsidiary temple from the temple complex (see no. 20940)] OD-20941
[Detail of the southeastern corner of the main basin with the Udayana-inscription] OD-6532
[Statue of Ganesa] OD-21020
[Statue of Parwati] OD-921
Atlas de Nederlandse Antillen, Suriname, Nederland en de wereld F 10-06
Het eerste deel van het Brandende Veen, verlichtende alle de vaste kusten ende eylanden van geheel West-Indien, beginnende van de linie aequinoctiael ofte Rio Amasones, ... eyndigende aan het noordelijckste van Nieu-Nederland, voortgaande benoorden Tar...
Carte de l'Île de Bon-aire
The West-India atlas, or a compendious description of the West-Indies, illustrated with 40 correct charts and maps, taken from actual surveys
Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen in kaart
Schoolatlas voor de Nederlandse Antillen COLLBN Atlas 751
Schoolatlas voor de Nederlandse Antillen A 00393 Nederlandse Antillen [877.4]
Schottegat en St. Annabaai G 11-5
Atlas: de Nederlandse Antillen, Suriname, Nederland en de wereld COLLBN atlas 749
Report of the Committee on the Criteria and Nomenclature of the Major Divisions of the Ocean Bottom
Atlas : de Nederlandse Antillen, Suriname, Nederland en de wereld A 00394
