Leiden University Libraries Digital Collections

Ephemera (MNL)

Selections of printed ephemera, mainly from the collection of the Society of Dutch Literature

Affiche van de Leydsche Schouwburg (1099 A 6: 1)

Ephemera (MNL)

This collection is described in Collection guide Ephemera (MNL (ubl257).

The material was brought together by various people, including the Leiden professor of mathematics David Bierens de Haan (1822-1895), the bookseller and publisher Arie Cornelis Kruseman (1818-1894), the literary scholar Jan Jacobus Franciscus (1806-1880) and the pastor and Leiden professor of theology Laurentius Knappert (1863-1943).
The private collections were acquired at various times by the Leiden University Library (273 D 29, 3697 A 15, PLANO 63 B 1-2) and the Library of the Society of Dutch Literature (other signatures).